Thursday, January 24, 2008

hey u remember jon right??? the guy i got in a juice fight with right???he's the one in the middle.

(left)jordan (right)pimp master finky fink
(On the right side of this post)Mr.K
it looks like eric likes elmo...and mt.dew the guy in
the FMB t-shirt behide him is my bro.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


ok i read an article about how kids are less samrt when they multi task.must be why im so yeah it was different but it was neat....

Friday, January 11, 2008


sooo.2day is band teacher mr.k went home sick so why might not have pepband.and then why wacthed 'mr.beans holiday' in band how stuipd waz that movie.i really want to hav pepbad b/c i see my friends and i got something to keep my mind off other stuff.beside,get in juice fights w/ jon is awesome.....jk jk lol

Monday, January 7, 2008


ok on saterday i had pepband(basketball band duh) and i got in a "juice fight" with a trombone player.i didnt get wet w/ juice but jon did.then he decided to get me back.......later!!!!! okay so now i am going to attack him tomorrow w/ duct tape.....y???????? well 1.from band and 2.i went to the dr. 2day and i have something wrong w/ my foot so i have to duct tape it.FEEL MY WRATH(not really)