Monday, February 25, 2008

my life is completely......

i read a poem at my friends once and i kinda changed it the oringal was:
I find it
i find it kinda funy
i find it kinda sad
the dreamin which im dying
are the best i've ever had.
now after i changed it:
i find
i find it kinda funny
i find it kinda sad
the dreams in which im dying
WHERE the best i've ever had.


Anonymous said...

okay someone leave a comment b/c i really think that your mind should be heard

KASEY LEE said...

that is so awesome im so bored and my b/f keeps texting me!!!! t he he

Anonymous said...

well really my past its one of those things if someone mocks it u MAY or MAY NOT pAy.....LoL

Anonymous said...

O.K then AWKWARD! IDK why I said that! I bet u know commented this in case u don't here's a hint: I know where u live!Hee !Hee